
BD implementations

BD implementations are :


The BD implementation is the most simple implementation.
As its name suggests it is a Pojo implementation and it doesn't use enterprise beans anyway.
PojoManagerBD is a singleton class.
PojoManagerBD uses as ServiceFacade a POJO Facade, where with the name POJOFacade, as defined in, we mean a class providing a behavior similar to the Session Façades, but, instead of using session beans, we use POJOs to implement the facades. POJO facades can be looked up through concrete extensions of ServiceFacadeFactory (see lookup and mapping) and so it is how PojoManagerBD works as well.
PojoManagerBD use a protected method to look up ServiceFacade implementations:

protected ServiceFacade getServiceFacade()throws ApplicationException{
    return ServiceLocator.getInstance().getServiceFacade(ServiceFacadeFactoryClassName,ServiceFacadeClassName);
    }catch (ServiceLocatorException e) {
    log.error("ServiceLocatorException caught in PojoManagerBD.getServiceFacade(): " + e.toString());
    throw new ApplicationException("ApplicationException thrown in PojoManagerBD.getServiceFacade()" + e.toString(),e);

ServiceFacadeFactoryClassName and ServiceFacadeClassName are two protected variables that are so defined in the static block of PojoManagerBD, so that they are assigned their value in the instantiation of PojoManagerBD :

ServiceFacadeFactoryClassName = "PojoManagerBD.ServiceFacadeFactoryClass" ;
ServiceFacadeClassName = "PojoManagerBD.ServiceFacadeClass" ;

So that you can choose which has to be the real implementation of ServiceFacade and which has to be the factory that instance it configuring the properties PojoManagerBD.ServiceFacadeFactoryClass and PojoManagerBD.ServiceFacadeClass in
For example:

If you write an extension of PojoManagerBD, let's call it ExtPojoManagerBD, you can overwrite ServiceFacadeFactoryClassName and ServiceFacadeClassName in the static block, or overwrite the getServiceFacade() method to let ExtPojoManagerBD to choose its ServiceFacade.
An example of the first case, where the extending class is again singleton is SecurityManagerImplBD

public class SecurityManagerImplBD extends PojoManagerBD implements SecurityManagerBD{
    protected static SecurityManagerImplBD securityManagerImplBD = null;
    static private org.apache.log4j.Category log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(SecurityManagerImplBD.class.getName());
    static {
        try {
            if (securityManagerImplBD!=null) throw new ApplicationException("thrown in the static block of SecurityManagerImplBD: static instance is already set");
            securityManagerImplBD = new SecurityManagerImplBD();
        }catch (Exception e){
            throw new RuntimeException("Exception thrown in the static block of SecurityManagerImplBD "+ e.toString(),e);
        ServiceFacadeFactoryClassName = "SecurityManagerImplBD.ServiceFacadeFactoryClass" ;
        ServiceFacadeClassName = "SecurityManagerImplBD.ServiceFacadeClass" ;
    protected SecurityManagerImplBD() {
    public static PojoManagerBD getInstance() { // It has to return PojoManagerBD to not clash with getInstance of PojoManagerBD.
        return securityManagerImplBD;

So the properties SecurityManagerImplBD.ServiceFacadeFactoryClass and SecurityManagerImplBD.ServiceFacadeClass have to be configured in

PojoManagerBD can be looked up by DefaultBDFactory

SLSBManagerBD is a singleton class, that use stateless session beans to do the work.

See Use of ejb BD implementation provided by Mandragora

SLSBManagerBD can be looked up by DefaultBDFactory


ProxyManagerBD is not a real class. With it we are referring to a proxy class; concretely we are referring to a Proxy BD Handler class.
So with ProxyManageBD we mean a proxy class that dynamically implements the BD interface.
When one of the BD interface method is called, it is intercepted, and its parameters will be used by the ContextHandler to put inside a Context instance, the pairs (name,value) where name is the name of the parameter and value is its value.
Moreover all the pairs of the localSession are put inside the Context instance.
Then the method with the same name will be called in a ContextBD instance, passing the created context as parameter.

ProxyManagerBD extends ContextHandler, so it has available a localSession. It can be used to inject the context parameters.

The ProxyManagerBD is looked up by the ProxyBDHandlerFactory

BDFactory extensions

In this section we expose the concrete extensions of the abstract class
BDFactory is a factory of factories of BD implementations.
This abstract class looks up a factory of BD implementations that is the class that definitively looks up the BD implementations.
The factory looked up must be a concrete extension of this class and must implement the Singleton pattern so just one instance of it will be allowed. The factory looked up must implement the details of the policy of looking up the wanted implementation of the interface BD so to hide the details of how an implementation of interface BD is chosen and looked up. So this abstract class decouple the real factory looking up the BD implementation, from the class that wants to use the BD implementation.
Every one can write his own factory of BD implementations just extending this class and registering it in the file, so to have his own factory to look up the BD implementations.

DefaultBDFactory is a concrete extension of, it is a singleton class and it is designed to look up singleton implementation of BD ( for example PojoManagerBD and SLSBManagerBD).
The method

  • public BD getBD(String nameBdClass)

returns the implementation of the BD interface specified by the input string nameBdClass. The implementation of BD interface specified by the input string nameBdClass depends by its mapping in the file.

The method of DefaultBDFactory

  • public BD getBD()

looks the BD implementation specified in by the property DefaultBDFactory.BDClass.

ProxyBDHandlerFactory is a concrete extension of, it is a singleton class and it is designed to lookup Proxy BD Handler.
The client that uses ProxyBDHandlerFactory expects that, as always with the concrete extensions of BDFactory, the method

  • public BD getBD(String nameBdClass)

returns an implementation of the BD interface specified someway by the input string nameBdClass.
The implementation returned is a Proxy instance built with the Cglib framework.
The built proxy class will implement all the interfaces of the class specified by the property


in So such property must be mapped to whatever class that implements the BD interface, otherwise a Class Cast Exception will be thrown.
The built proxy class holds a MethodInterceptor implementation looked up by the ServiceLocator method

  • public MethodInterceptor getMethodInterceptor(String methodInterceptorFactoryClassName, String methodInterceptorClassName)


methodInterceptorFactoryClassName = "ProxyBDHandlerFactory."+bdClassName+".methodInterceptorFactoryClassName"
methodInterceptorClassName = "ProxyBDHandlerFactory."+bdClassName+".methodInterceptorClassName"

So the input parameter is needed to choose what is the MethodInterceptor of the proxy and what is the factory that has to look it up.
When a BD method it is called it is intercepted by the MethodInterceptor that will do the job. When the method is intercepted it is called the MethodInterceptor method

  • public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args , MethodProxy proxy)

So the behavior of the returned instance depends on the chosen MethodInterceptor implementation, above all on the above method implementation.\

Moreover than to implement BD interface, the proxy class will be a subclass of the class ContextHandler, so it has available a localSession. It can be used to inject the context parameters.
For example if we would inject the context parameter jcdAlias with some value, so to force the layers on the back end to use it, we have just to do:

BD bd = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getManagerBD("someBDFactoryClass","someBDClass");
MandragoraContext localSession = (MandragoraContext)((ContextHandler)bd).getLocalSession();

Of course the property someBDFactoryClass must be mapped to in

As we said the most important is to associate a MethodInterceptor to the instance of the built ProxyClass. To do that are needed factories and implementations of MethodInterceptor.

MethodInterceptorFactory extensions

In this section we expose the concrete extensions of the abstract class
MethodInterceptorFactory is a factory of factories of MethodInterceptor implementations.
This abstract class looks up a factory of MethodInterceptor implementations that is the class that definitively looks up the MethodInterceptor implementations.
MethodInterceptor is a callback interface of Cglib framework.
The factory looked up must be a concrete extension of MethodInterceptorFactory and must implement the Singleton pattern so just one instance of it will be allowed. The factory looked up must implement the details of the policy of looking up the wanted implementation of the interface MethodInterceptorFactory so to hide the details of how an implementation of interface MethodInterceptorFactory is chosen and looked up. So this abstract class decouple the real factory looking up the MethodInterceptorFactory implementation, from the class that wants to use the MethodInterceptorFactory implementation.
Every one can write his own factory of MethodInterceptor implementations just extending MethodInterceptorFactory and registering the extending class in the file, so to have his own factory to look up the MethodInterceptor implementations.

DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory is a concrete extension of, it is a singleton class and it is designed to create and return a new instance of MethodInterceptor implementation ( for example MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl .
The method

  • public MethodInterceptor getMethodInterceptor(String methodInterceptorClassName)

returns a new instance of the class implementation of the interface MethodInterceptor, specified by the input string methodInterceptorClassName.
The implementation of interface MethodInterceptor specified by the input string methodInterceptorClassName depends by its mapping in the file.
DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory expects that the implemented MethodInterceptor works with a ContextBD implementation (see advanced/context.html); so it has to provide to the MethodInterceptor implementation that it wants to instance the ContextBD factory and implementation to use.
DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory instance the specified MethodInterceptor implementation calling a constructor that take two string parameters, and will use such parameters to pass the contextBDFactoryClassName and the contextBDClassName name of the ContextBD that will be used by the MethodInterceptor method

  • intercept(Object, java.lang.reflect.Method, Object[], net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy)

Note that Apart of the no-arg constructor the MethodInterceptor class to be instanced must have a constructor that take two string parameters. DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory build the two parameters value to pass to the MethodInterceptor implementation constructor in this way:

contextBDFactoryClassName = "DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory."+methodInterceptorClassName+".contextBDFactoryClassName"
contextBDClassName = "DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory."+methodInterceptorClassName+".contextBDClassName"

The method of DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory

  • public MethodInterceptor getMethodInterceptor()throws

looks the MethodInterceptor implementation specified in by the property DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory.DefaultMethodInterceptorImpl.

MethodInterceptor implementations

MethodInterceptor implementations are :


MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl is related to one ContextBD implementation (see advanced/context.html). That ContextBD is used by the intercept method to do its job.
The ContextBD is instanced at creation time. MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl has two constructors: one no-args contructor and and one taking two input String parameters.

  • public MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl(String contextBDFactoryClassName,String contextBDClassName)

In both cases the ContextBD will be looked up with the ServiceLocator using factories in the same way that can be seen in look up and mapping, so a factory and implementation specifications are needed. The default factory and implementation class names are respectively the ones mapped in to MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl.ContextBDFactoryClassName and MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl.ContextBDClassName. So for example in we have

So if the no args constructor is used the default contextBDFactoryClassName and contextBDClassName will be used, otherwise the one provided by input parameters.

The relationship between the involved classes are depicted in the following class diagram

The following sequence diagram shows how definitively a proxyBDHandler is looked up.

Let's suppose now that in some client class we do:

BD bd = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getManagerBD("TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDFactoryClass","TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass");

Let's have a look at how configure
Of course it must have

to specify that we are looking up a ProxyBD.
ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.methodInterceptorFactoryClassName will specify which is the MethodInterceptorFactory and ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.methodInterceptorClassName will specify which is the MethodInterceptor implementation.

So for example:

Then, as the DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory will return the MethodInterceptorDefaultImpl calling its method

  • getMethodInterceptor("ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.methodInterceptorClassName")

DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory.ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.methodInterceptorClassName.contextBDFactoryClassName will specify which is the ContextBDFactory, while DefaultMethodInterceptorFactory.ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.methodInterceptorClassName.contextBDClassName will specify which is the ContextBD implementation of the created instance of MethodInterceptor.

So for example:

Moreover as ProxyBDHandlerFactory.TestSLSBManagerContextBD.BDClass.realBDClassName specifies a class which interfaces have to be implemented dynamically by the proxy class, and we want the proxy class be a BD class, we can put